We DO NOT collect any of your personal data. Full Stop.
The user name and password you provided via the UI for git clone and git fetch, if Save not switch on, will be used for communication with your chosen git server for current session only, (i.e. it only stays in memory and will be lost when the app is switched off or going suspension.)
When you choose to Save the credential to avoid repeat input, the app will utilise Windows Platform provided facilities to keep your credential securely stored in the Operation System level, for more information, please refer to Microsoft Documents
The app currently utilise HockeyApp only for Crash Reports, and we are considering to remove this as well for the following reason:
Recently we found out that Windows Dev Center Dashboard is providing Crash Reports via Windows Platform facilities, with zero work/configuration from the app side, therefore we could remove Hockeyapp API calls in future releases.
We use Google Analytics for this website.